Well the cat is out of the bag!!! Here is a sampling of all the new distressed frame patterns coming to the new website in just a few days!!!!
Love to know which are your fav's? Don't forget to follow me on instagram for all the newest designs when they launch! @deltagirlframes …shhh…giveaways too!
YAY…june is almost here and the new website is almost done… here are some fun sneaks at the new patterns Delta Girl will have and some behind the scenes of trims and other little snapshots!
MY fav new pattern! TRIBECA…… the gold trim and gold glaze is to die for!
a itty bitty pink and grey frame set i just finished with! just had to share!
a stairwell gallery i just finished for the site! love the subtle yellow….
BABY love! the ZINNIA! Kristen Reed Photography captured this angel
behind the scenes….
the new BLOOMS pattern
meet DAMASK….
The Kaleidoscope
Bone Weave